the story behind lila.

heres the thing, this story has a beautiful beginning middle and end.. its a story of love, a story of bravery and a story of gods hand on our life.

On July 10th 2022, my husband and I welcomed our beautiful, healthy, baby girl into this world. we have two charming (and also at times wild) little boys at home and bringing another beautiful baby into this world felt like a dream come true for our family. we had prayed for her, we had dreamed of her, and meeting her was truly one of the greatest days of my life and forever will have an imprint on my heart. She is truly the light of my life, along side her sweet and sometimes wild big brothers.

we spent a few days at the hospital, and it was time to bring our beautiful baby girl home to her two brothers! we filled out the birth certificate, and still on cloud nine, we left the hospital to come home as a family of 5! when I say this was the joy of our life, it truly was. there was no greater joy than bringing life into this world. To then be able to see the other two little loves of our life fall in love with her - we were truly thanking god, every moment.

on that beautiful sunny day in Denver when we left the hospital, our daughters name was Lila rose Lethen. heart gush! she was perfect, we were just over the moon to have a little girl to join this little life of ours.

as we took our time to get to know her, this feeling grew - really a pit in my stomach - that Lila was not her name.

saying it didn’t feel natural, calling her Lila didn’t come naturally, and there were so many signs. as the days went on, we really sorted through postpartum feelings, and this feeling. It was so crystal clear that this was different. Lila was not put here to be named Lila and it was a really big but easy decision to change her name.

Lila is one of the most beautiful names, but it wasn’t our daughters beautiful name. Lila, for me, now reminds me that not everything is meant for us. its okay to change, and if does not feel right - you have to trust that feeling. god will not lead you astray and sometimes that feeling- in my life experience- trusting that nudge, has brought me closer to my faith and who I am.

Lila +co - its about being brave, its about living the life that’s destined for you, and only you. and its about trusting yourself, loving so big that big things come with a sense of ease. I am so grateful for this journey, our journey, her journey.


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